This weeks lecture was about new media, and how in todays culture things in this area are quite different from that of a decade or so ago.
Ill talk about a little about the vidoes games aspect.
Back when games started there wasnt really any stroy, no narrative. Looking at games like pong, pac-man and space invaders will tell you that.
As time went on though, this changed, and games started to have much more to offer that just shooting aliens for some reason.
There was a reason for what was happening, 'cut scenes' were formed and integrated with the gameplay, and reallly made the whoile gaming experience much more rewarding.
This is such huge factor nowadays that without a narrative games would just not would do as well.
Its good to balance it though, showing whats happeing with the plot then switching to the action gameplay.
Though in th 21st century a lot of games now combine these 2 aspects with 'realtime' events.
Youll be watching a cutsence and and then the game will ask you to press a button or move the contriol stick to try and futher your involvment with the stary. Games like Heavy Rain are based soley around this premise.
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